Webpage redesign
GV Seguros
GV seguros webpage was redesigned to give it a fresh and confortable look and feel, to align it to the organization philosophy.
The previous webpage had around 10 years old so it felt outdated and didn't inspire confidence to the clients.
Previous web
This was the look of the previous webpage, it felt outdated and, of course, it wasn't responsive: Mobile users were just seeing a blank page, so this was a top priority project.

The outcome
The redesign process take a few iterations, the new page have big blank spaces to give air to the information, a new card style navigation to walk through the services, and a gradient color system to identify them.
And, of course, a mobile first approach was used to ensure that the mobile users can have full access to the information.
Also a slight redesign of the logotype was made to modernize the branding (without losing the 30 year old identity).